Please check these frequently asked question. If you still have a question reach out to hello@projectodyssey.ai by email or Matty.verse on Discord (https://discord.gg/projectodyssey-ai).


Can my film depict children/minors?

No, for many of the AI Company sponsors the depiction of children and minors is not allowed. This is due to commitments to the protection of child safety and welfare. If we do approve these entries, it is a slippery slope that is better to avoid for both us as the contest holder and you as the creator. Entries featuring children will not be either approved or eligible for prizes.

Can my film be NSFW?

Films can have adult themes such as death, violence, light blood/gore, and sexuality, however gratuitous imagery will not be eligible. Aim for a maximum of PG-13 to R rating. As a rule of thumb, if it wouldn't be allowed on YouTube or Instagram, it won't be eligible for the competition.

Can I make a Behind-The-Scenes submission about a project that's not part of Project Odyssey?

No, your Behind-The-Scenes submission must be about your 3D Animation, Music Video, Narrative, or Open Format submission. You cannot qualify for a Behind-The-Scenes award without submitting to at least one of these other categories.

Is SD3 banned?

No, however due to the license, we highly recommend SDXL or SD1.5 since the current license may cause issues with your film in the future if you are trying to use it commercially. Check out our full thoughts at https://civitai.com/articles/5840/update-on-sd3-on-civitai

Does every frame have to be rendered with AI?

No, for the Music Video and Open Format categories you can use any amount of AI visuals, especially if you are combining with live action shots, as long as AI is used in a significant way (including editing). For the 3D Animation category, yes AI has to be used to stylize every frame.

Can I use music that I don't have the rights to? Does the music have to be made with AI?

No, for all categories, you must use a song you've made, a song someone has given you permission to use (also includes stock music or public domain), or a song completely made with AI (i.e. Suno, Udio, Stable Audio, ElevenLabs). The song you've made or the song you've been granted permission can use AI, but doesn't have to.

Do I have to use the sponsored AI tools? Are non-AI software and video editing software allowed?

No, you can use any AI tool or non-AI tool you want, however using the tools from the Premier Sponsors qualifies you for additional cash prizes of $500 and subscriptions.


Do I need a Civitai account to submit to Project Odyssey?

Yes, you will have to have a Civitai profile, since the submission process and community voting will be happening on the website. It's totally fine if it's your alt or your main. Submission details at https://www.projectodyssey.ai/how-to-submit

How do I submit my film?


Can I submit to multiple categories? Can I submit more than one entry to a single category?

Yes, you can submit to multiple categories and there is no limit on the number of submissions you can make, BUT we highly recommend you prioritize quality or quantity.

Can I submit an AI film that I previously made?

No, all submissions must have been created within the competition window. Part of the challenge is to see what is possible to create within a single month, so please keep it fair. Submitting a previously completed project is grounds for disqualification.


What's the criteria for the "Beginner Award"?

A combination of the judges opinion and the initial sign up form where you listed your experience level.

What's the criteria for the Community Choice Award?

Based on the number of unique reactions your submission gets on Civitai.com


When does the competition take place?

The competition period is June 17th-July 15th. Winners will be announced on July 22nd.

Is a team required? Is there a team size limit?

No teams are not required. You can have a team of up to 15 people. Prizes will be distributed equally to all team members.

How can I get a free trial to the sponsored tools?

Check out the Project Odyssey Homepage. Make sure to sign up with your email on the Typeform at https://www.projectodyssey.ai/ If you still have trouble or have signed up after June 17th, reach out to the company representatives in their Discord Channel (https://discord.gg/projectodyssey-ai).

Which countries can participate?

The competition is open to all except individuals who are residents of, domiciled in, a country, state, province, or territory where the laws of the United States or local law prohibits participating or receiving a prize in the Challenge (including, but not limited to, Russia, Brazil, Italy, and Cuba, Sudan, Iran, North Korea, Syria and any other country designated by the United States Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control) due to government legislation.

Can I post my film on social media?

Yes, please tag our accounts and use #projectodyssey

What are the prizes?

Check the homepage of www.projectodyssey.ai for category and company prizes.

What are the Terms of Service for the competition?
